Thursday, 15 October 2009

Run Fatboy Run

Run Fatboy Run

This film is a british romantic comedy. the storyline is about a guy named Dennis Doyle (Simon Pegg), who is the main character, they story is about Dennis and his life, he is a lazy individual, who takes any short cuts he can to avoid doing work. He is okay with the way his life is going till he finds out that a new man has come into the lives of his son an her mother(Dennis's ex fiannce, whom he left at the alter). He is aware of the competetion he poses as he is everything kevin is not, most of all being athletic. This gets Dennis's to comfront him, and challenge him to a marathon. So in all the film is about kevins quest to regain his family by ironickly being in a race to get fit for a race. this film involves many jokes and hillarious scenes suitable for the whole family.

There are different techniques used in this film to connote to its genre, for example. there is a clumsy affect used by the characters, by falling or stumbling. there is also a good use of fighting used in addition to the clumsyness as this makes the audience laugh.

The lighting used is bright to show the film is a fun and easy. the lighting doesnt need to be over the top as the film is mostly based during the day time.

The film is set in east london, to show the upper and lower class's of the area, as dennis is a lower class person, whereas his competition is an upper class business man.

The films equilibirum is when you see dennis and how he is after he left his fiannce at the alter.
The distruption is when the new guy comes into his ex fiannce an his sons life.
The recognition is when dennis realises what he has to do in order to win back his family.
The attempt to repair is him taking part in the race and not giving up.
The new equilibirum is when dennis gets a date with his ex fiannce, as she is giving him a second chance. this could set up for a sequel, as the audience would want to know what happens next.

1 comment:

  1. www: good attempt at using narrative theory to identify features of a trailer

    ebi: be specific about the genre and how you know (Evidence) as you are again making statements which demonstrate understanding but not providing the supporting information for it.
